Sunday 4 October 2009

I class myself as a fortune teller, so those of you who have any pressing, serious questions ask away and I will do my best to answer them.


  1. Hi Willowfox, is there any way to get a hold of you other than the aeclectic tarot forum? I see that you are unable to be reached by private message. I'd love, if you're at all interested, to discuss an iching reading I've recently cast. You've already helped me a lot with your interpretations over time, so thank you so much for that

  2. Hello Willowfox,
    I hope you are well. I have been trying for a while to get in touch with you but do not know how. I could very much do with your help. If you read this message, please could you contact me on aeclectic tarot forum via private message or let me know how I could reach you. We exchanged many messages on Aeclectic back in 2013, you helped me a lot. I have the same username there (Pip).
    All the best,
